Capitol Advocacy Capitol Advocacy

Our Approach

While this list is comprehensive of the work we have done in the past, the Alliance is always searching for new opportunities and points of engagement.

Youth Development Priorities:

  • Funding for K-12 and afterschool programs
  • Nutrition and physical activity standards for afterschool programs
  • Regulation of childcare, organized camps and youth sports
  • Safe access to education and recreation
  • Increased physical activity in schools
  • Child Abuse prevention activities 
  • Funding and regulation of intervention programs for teens and young adults
  • Promoting youth leadership development opportunities

Healthy Living Priorities:

  • Access to healthcare
  • Access to healthy foods
  • Access to opportunities for physical activity in built environment, workplace
  • Education to support healthy dietary choices
  • Funding for programs to prevent and address chronic health conditions
  • Regulation of aquatics and fitness facilities and programs

Social Responsibility Priorities:

  • Preserving tax exempt status for charitable organizations
  • Preserving incentives for charitable giving
  • Regulation of fundraising
  • Regulation of volunteer boards of directors
  • Incentivizing and reducing risks/liability for volunteering


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Advocate with the Y

Address California's most pressing social issues, with a nonprofit that has the long-standing track record and on-the-ground presence to not just promise, but deliver, lasting personal and social change.

Learn More 

For more details, please contact:
Christina Marcellus, Director of Public Policy
